January 6, 2012

Ashley Addair Meets Wassily Kadinsky for Martinis

During the basement makeover I had the opportunity to create some new pieces of art.  
Behind our game/dining table we had a long empty space of wall that needed something.  I first began looking through my collection of framed art and discovered nothing of value, however, I found four, fresh white canvases.  I really wanted five, but I had a small budget and little time; these would have to work.  
A friend of mine, Levon Walker, is married to an artist named Ashley Addair whose work I am continually drawn towards.  

During a recent unit of study I conducted in my painting class I became intrigued by Wassily Kadinsky's work too.  
With an idea in my head, some cheap bottles of acrylic paint from Walmart (the devil), and four free canvases I was off and running.  Two days later I had four pieces of non-objective art which pulled both sides of the room together.

I felt the title, Ashely Addair Meets Wassily Kadinsky for Martinis, to be apporpriate.  I borrowed the circle shapes from a painting of Ashley's, the movement reminds of Kadinsky's stuff, and some circles look like olives.

To view Ashley Addair's work visit: NO ROOM FOR HIPSTERS

To explore the work of Wassily Kadinsky try here: biographies, paintings, quotes

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